Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Academic Research Help

The library can help students with academic research papers, with ease. Assume that you are writing a paper on the success of daily deal websites like Groupon, for a class. By going to, then selecting the tab for Research, then Databases A-Z, then Academic OneFile, you can enter the term "daily deals" in the search box. There are 65 results. Note that Groupon is a keyword for three results and cited in five documents. Altering the search to find "Groupon" in the entire document yields 62 results, with 27 having Groupon as the keyword. The beauty of databases such as this are that a researcher can limit the results to full-text articles and to peer-reviewed journals. In this case, the search results came from, among other periodicals, the Journal of Internet Law, Information Today, CFO Magazine, and the International Journal of E-Business Research. These journals may be difficult or impossible to find in print at the researcher's home or school library. The beauty of the databases is that they allow students to do sophisticated searches and review the latest journals in full text. They allow students to save time on research and focus on writing and analysis.

--Harry C., Reference

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