Monday, July 22, 2013

Term Paper Help Part 4--Proquest Digital Microfilm Database

To supplement the Historical Newpapers database, the Proquest Digital Microfilm database provides full text images of New York Times and St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles from 2008 through 2013.  The beauty of this database is that users can see the images and advertisements from the newspapers as well as see the papers as they were published.

For those who recall that an article appeared on a given day or during a time period, the viewer can browse the newspapers as if laid in front of them.  They can adjust the image size and resolution.  They can also save the image or print it out.

To compare with the Proquest Newstand database, for the same month, April 2008, that database features only four dates for the month and the user must select an image of each article. This database is most effective!

For browsers, or those seeking to see articles in context, or view photographs and graphs, the Proquest Digital Microfilm database is invaluable.  It also eliminates the need to use a micofilm reader for articles in these newspapers for the past five years.

--Harry C., Reference

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