Today's Science by Facts on File is a well-produced, fascinating database for students and others interested in science. The site is geared toward students, with a topic index and a resources index (including a science fair guide and research paper guide). For the non-student and the student, what was appealing was the section "Conversations with Scientists," in which scientists described their research, why they are interested in their subject, and how they spend their day. A glaciologist, Ian Joughlin of the University of Washington, recommended taking lots of math and science, as well as english classes. He "keeps sane" by visiting Greenland and Antarctica every year. Among the others profiled were a neuroscientist who studies the brain and a gerontologist who studies whether calorie restriction can extend lives. The interviews can be viewed by type of scientist. This could be inspiring and helpful for young science students.
The body of the colorful site consists of articles on current topics, such as "Diagnosing Disease with DNA." The articles are full of color photos and graphs, as well as video, and have the added feature of links to the scientists' articles discussed.
For science news presented in an attractive package, Today's Science has much to recommend it. Home-schooled and other students will find much to like about this site.
--Harry C., Reference