A friend of mine who works as an Human Resources consultant told me she spends 15 to 20 seconds to decide if a resume is worth reading. 15 to 20 seconds? In today's economic climate a company may receive thousands of resumes for every position they advertise. Poorly formatted or sloppily written resumes won't make the cut.
With the St. Louis County Library's Optimal Resume database you can create professional-looking resumes and cover letters. Optimal Resume offers sample resumes for many kinds of jobs and you can type your own skills, experience and education into these samples. It's a word processor for creating resumes.
Want more information? Check out Optimal Resume on SLCL's website. You'll need your library card number, a little time and a desire to have a great looking resume. We even have classes at many of our branches to help you learn Optimal Resume. Who knows, you may only have 15 to 20 seconds to make a first impression!
--Paul S., Headquarters